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Monday, February 1, 2010

On most days, driving to and from work at the university, I cross over the world famous "Strip," Las Vegas Boulevard. Lately, either because I try to get to work early and leave early, or because of the down economy, crossing the Strip via any of the many intersections has not been much of a problem.

Last night my wife took me out for my 50th birthday and we had a chance to cross the Strip as pedestrians. Walking across, I had forgotten how wide the Strip really is. One can't dally on the Strip due to the aggressive taxis turning into hotel drives off the Strip, but as I crossed, I looked down the boulevard. The sun was just setting and the colorful light was glinting of the shiny, towering hotels. It was one of those memorable postcard-type images. Not having a camera, it will have to live in memory for the time being.

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