As George Wallace smiles down upon us hapless driving lot, we maneuver away from the construction along Flamingo Road near Bally's. That section of Flamingo has to be one of the ugliest stretches of road in the city. The cracks in the road are so big they are clearly visible in the accompanying picture taken on my drive to work this morning. It's hard to avoid road construction in Las Vegas. It seems to be everywhere.
Thank god for George Wallace and all the semi-clad young women seen along the roadways to keep our hearts and minds joyful as we cruise the roads of Vegas. If not for them and their smiling faces, lord only knows what might become of us.
Until next time, I remain your law abiding friend on the roadway . . . .
They've actually repaved this stretch of road on Flamingo by Bally's. No more huge cracks in the pavement. No more traffic cones. No more loose hubcaps along the side of the curb.